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Grow your light business – 9 month mastermind

I am looking for 10 people who would like to be part of a 9 month mastermind to grow your conscious business, your light work to help more people, generate more money, and have more free time.
This is a unique container will include one monthly day retreat where we will not only workshop your current stage of business, idea, light work and develop it using quantum human design, conscious business and marketing psychology to create systems and automations for better flow, more clients, more money, and more time while also creating a rest and recharge space for you to integrate the changes to your business and life using energy, light and sound medicine.
This is an application only group. You will either:
✔️ Have a business you want to grow your visibility, impact, clients and income
✔️ Are activating your light work and want to create a business
✔️ Have an idea you want to bring to life
You will be seeking support in the areas of
✨ Knowledge – what are the best systems to use, how to market in a way that is authentic and impactful so you can get more clients in the quickest easiest and most aligned way
✨ Accountability – showing up regularly, having a group who will keep pushing you to your fullest potential so you push through challenge and reach a new level every month
✨ Support – Cheer squad when things get tough and you are not sure you can do it on your own feel your support team lift you to the next level so you can realise more
✨ Practical application – step by step guides to reduce overwhelm but also stay true to who you are.
✨ Personalise approach, no one size fits all coaching method, a unique method that is unique to your human design, your family and lifestyle.
My background is 10years building and delivering conscious online courses, local events, courses and coaching for light workers.
✔️ Qualified Executive Coach
✔️ Qualified Quantum Human Design Specialist
✔️ Digital Marketing Manager
✔️ Qualified Life Coach
✔️ Qualified Personal Trainer, Nutritional Therapist, Breathwork Facilitator, Sound Therapist,
✔️ Light language and psychic channel
✔️ Trauma Informed
Rebirth your lightwork for more time, money and impact, 9 month mastermind includes:
9 x Monthly Retreat – Activation and Application
Facebook Support Group
Access to ongoing support with me for the 9 months.

Academy Price $550/month includes monthly in person retreat experience, monthly group zoom call, facebook support group and access to me for 9 months.

1-2 extra clients or 1-2 courses sold from what you learn and apply can cover your access to the academy for 9 months!

Academy Early Bird Special Before 8th Feb CLOSED

VIP option. Includes all of above plus one 1:1 call every month for 9 months $650/month

VIP option. Includes all of above plus one 1:1 call every month for 9 months $650/month

✔️Create exciting offers and attract dream clients

✔️ Accountability and clear steps to grow your light business

✔️Refine your messaging to stand out amoungst the noise

✔️Grow your following with automations, business and marketing systems

And More…

I have not offered this kind of long term support and development before and it is for those ready to go deeper into their offerings and expand their impact in a way that is authentically you. It will require a level of commitment to self, your family and your light work for 9 months, a total rebirth.
Expect big change.
Expect big results.
Expect dedication.
Expect radical honesty.
Expect the old to fall away.
Expect your highest potential.
And detach from it all so the biggest magic can unfold together.
BONUS Included with your monthly retreat, facebook support group and access to me, is two online programs,
1. the root of quantum human potential and
2. the power of quantum human potential activating the root chakra and the solar plexus.
* Grounding the nervous system, adrenals, and bodies ability to adapt to holding more energy/fullest potential in the earth element through the physical body, as well as
* The fire element activating the metabolism, gut health and emotional centres to reclaim power over the body and emotions for more confidence and power.
Two incredibly powerful online courses valued at $597 and $997 included in your 9 month mastermind as a gift.
All the resources to support your body, mind and soul business for its fullest expression in 2024. Both in business or your light work, your family, health and life.
Current proposed dates for retreat – subject to change:
Feb Thurs 8th
March Thur 7th
April Thur 4th/18th
May Thur 9th TBC
June Thur 6th TBC
July Thur 11th TBC
Aug Thur 11th TBC
Sept Thur 8th TBC
Oct Thur 3rd TBC
You will not know yourself at the end of 2024, life will never be the same again, it will be more fulfilled, more impactful, more abundant, more time, more peace, more joy. Guaranteed.
10 spaces only. Taking applications now for those ready to uplevel in 2024.