
Third Quarter Moon – Autumn Refine and Reflect

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—– Four  Abundant Giving ——

With all balance there is POLARITY, and so the final stage is about giving back. Having an open heart and mind to receive intuition and energy in the initial stages has fueled passion and purposeful action that has manifested miraculous results.
Now, is the time to shift into GRATITUDE, SHARING, GIVING.

It is a time of autumn, third quarter moon, old age, nighttime.

Instead of investing four quarters of the time in giving mode, having a time and place for giving allows for sharing from an OVERFLOWING CUP.

You have put yourself first, listening to your needs, taking action and receiving the rewards.

Now and only now are your in a magical place of ABUNDANCE that you can SHARE your knowledge, your lessons, your time and your energy.

With ease, grace and abundance.